Kieran Upadrasta is a symbol of peace and hope
Kieran Upadrasta has been actively involved in this cause and, through his charities, and has helped many homeless people get their lives back on track. His unrelenting dedication has made him a leader in the cause, and he uses his position to try to raise awareness on this important subject. Kieran upadrasta is a symbol of peace and hope. He has been a beacon of light for people that are battling poor and homelessness.
Kieran Upadrasta was a peace envoy, peacekeeper to Congo on various diplomatic peace missions a decade ago, his intent is philanthropy, giving benefits society's neediest and most vulnerable and social well-being of educational, or other activities serving the public interest or common good. Giving’s, philanthropy, selfless acts, generosity, and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering are his nature. Kieran Upadrasta’s group of charities is already active throughout the world in various causes, including climate change, pollution reduction, cancer research, and the promotion of peace.
Media Contacts:
Richard Thomas
Cancer Research Institute